27. April 2024 · Comments Off on No on I-2117 – April 27, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Now that we’ve officially launched our campaign to vote NO on 2117, the opposition is already attacking us and doubling down on their lies.

Join your fellow climate advocates in defending our progress in what E&E News says could be “the year’s most important climate election.” Chip in today.

Why are they attacking us? Because they’ve noticed we have a strong campaign. I want you to see these numbers from our launch:

  • More than 1,800 grassroots donors have contributed to No on 2117
  • More than 100 Washington organizations have endorsed No on 2117
  • 95% of No on 2117 donors have contributed $100 or less

That last one speaks volumes. No matter what you can chip in, it truly makes a difference in this fight. This movement is built by grassroots supporters like you – and together, we can beat the right-wing millionaire funding the campaign to upend our landmark climate law.

More than 1,800 Founding Donors stepped up before launch. Now, we need to keep up the momentum and hit 2,500 by the end of the month. Please show your commitment to climate progress by helping us defeat this make-or-break ballot initiative.

Very truly yours,

Jay Inslee