24. January 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – January 24, 2024 · Categories: Elections

cross our country, we’re seeing increased undemocratic attacks on voting rights from politicians and judges who are putting their extremist beliefs ahead of the rights of American voters. Will you chip in to Nick Brown’s campaign today to help us elect a champion for voting rights?

Voting Rights Law Faces More Setbacks With Conservative Judges

— Bloomberg Law

These attacks on voter protections, like what’s left of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, are just one example of how these extremist leaders are challenging one of the most sacred democratic practices in our country. We should be making voting and access to voting easier for Americans, not harder.

As Attorney General, Nick will stand up to any attacks on Washingtonians’ voting rights. To get Nick into the Office of the Attorney General, we need your help to ensure we have the resources we need to take on our conservative opponent’s big-money GOP donors. So what do you say, Kendall?

Will you chip in $10 or more to help Nick win and protect the voting rights of all Washingtonians, no matter their age, their race, their gender, or where they live?

When everyone votes and their voices are heard by the people in power, our government is stronger and more just. Thanks for your support today!

— Team Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States