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Email your members of Congress NOW to demand they uphold background checks for gun sales!

Dear MoveOn member,

Right now, the gun lobby is actively trying to make it easier for people to obtain guns without background checks. It’s critical that your members of Congress hear from you today to demand that they don’t cave to greedy special interests above safety for our communities. 

Just a few weeks ago, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) updated a rule that closed loopholes to make it harder to get a gun without a background check.1 The rule change is simple and sensible. If you want to sell guns, whether at gun shows, at a shop, or online, you must become a licensed dealer and run background checks on buyers. Prior to this, unlicensed gun sellers were able to sell guns without requiring a background check of the buyer. 

But the new rule is at risk of being overturned because the gun lobby is intensely pressuring Congress to stop it. That means your members of Congress need to hear from you immediately.

Email your senators and representative right now to demand they support the new, lifesaving rule to close background check loopholes, for the safety of our families and communities. Together, we must demand that Congress listen to us, not the gun lobby!

And it will save lives. In 2019, a person purchased an AR-15 from an unlicensed gun dealer without a background check and went on to kill seven people and wound 25 more in Midland and Odessa, Texas.2 The background check loophole also enables people with domestic abuse restraining orders and with violent histories to buy guns unquestioned. Tens of thousands of guns are sold each year by unlicensed sellers who do not perform background checks.3

This rule change is thanks to President’s Biden signing the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first federal gun safety bill passed in nearly 30 years.4 The policy requires those who are “engaged in the business” of selling firearms to become licensed dealers and run background checks. Prior to just a few weeks ago, only licensed dealers were required to run background checks, which clearly was a loophole that Congress needed to close. It’s believed there are more than 20,000 unlicensed gun dealers who were selling guns without conducting background checks, making up a fourth of all gun dealers. 

More than 2,000 MoveOn members submitted public comments in support of this lifesaving rule change last fall. And a majority of Americans want comprehensive gun law reform that protects us.5 But we know that the gun lobby will stop at nothing to block popular, commonsense gun law reform at the expense of public safety, so we need to be twice as loud about our support for background checks and gun violence prevention. 

Will you help us reach our goal of 10,000 MoveOn members sending an email to their senators and representative to demand they protect expanded background checks? It takes just a minute and can make a big difference. Congress will vote on whether to protect or overturn this rule change very soon!

Thanks for all you do.

–Kelsey, Mia, David, Aliya, and the rest of the team


1. “Final Rule: Definition of “Engaged in the Business” as a Dealer in Firearms,” ATF, June 4, 2024
Final Rule: Definition of “Engaged in the Business” as a Dealer in Firearms

2. “He sold an AR-15-style rifle to a mass shooter. Now he wants universal background checks,” CNN, October 7, 2020
He sold an AR-15-style rifle to a mass shooter

3. “The Biden administration announces rule that will require more background checks on gun buyers,” PBS NewsHour, April 11, 2024
The Biden administration announces rule that will require more background checks on gun buyers

4. Ibid. 

5. “Majority in U.S. Continues to Favor Stricter Gun Laws,” Gallup, October 31, 2023
Majority in U.S. Continues to Favor Stricter Gun Laws

Want to support MoveOn’s work? Voters just defied history and stopped a MAGA wave of extremism at the polls. But there is more work to do to end the filibuster, codify abortion rights into law, and defend our freedoms, our families, and our futures. We can accomplish all this and more, but only if we work together. 

Will you chip in monthly to power our critical work? 

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MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, https://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. MoveOn Political Action – PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.