SIGN: Rename Donald J. Trump State Park NOW!
`Dear MoveOn member,
While Trump-picked judges and courts sympathetic to Republicans—from Judge Aileen Cannon to the Georgia Court of Appeals to the Supreme Court—have delayed multiple trials against the disgraced former president, there are some folks who are successfully holding him accountable.
A jury of 12 regular New Yorkers found Trump guilty of 34 felonies—making him the first former president to be convicted of crimes. Another jury of New Yorkers found him liable for sexual assault against E. Jean Carroll. And it was the New York justice system that levied a $355 million verdict against Trump for fraud.
That’s right, there is still a public “Donald J. Trump State Park,” maintained with taxpayer dollars through the New York State Office of Parks. But a growing number of legislators are working to change that—and you can join nearly 40,000 fellow MoveOn members demanding the state change the park’s name.
Trump’s crimes and abusive actions should have consequences. Join the movement of people working to make those consequences realized. Click here to add your name to the petition and then share with three friends to help spread the word!
–Valeria, Aliya, Justin, Isbah, and the rest of the team
P.S. Read our email from earlier this month on the growing effort to rename Donald J. Trump State Park in northern Westchester County and why we need MoveOn members to act now.
Dear MoveOn member,
Disgraced former president Donald Trump just got convicted on 34 counts, making him the first former U.S. president convicted of felony crimes.1 His conviction confirms what we already knew, that Trump is a corrupt opportunist, willing to deceive Americans in order to obtain and keep power. Trump’s presidency, and the crimes he committed against the American people, are a stain on our democracy. It’s shameful that a public state park in New York still bears Trump’s name! Public spaces should carry names that symbolize the values we hold dear, the leaders we admire, and the principles we stand for. Trump Park’s being named after a man convicted of hiding information from the American people in order to steal an election is just plain embarrassing.
In the wake of Trump’s conviction, state lawmakers are reviving efforts to rename Donald J. Trump State Park in northern Westchester County.2 The park, largely abandoned and neglected, stands as a tarnished symbol of a divisive figure whose actions have caused immense harm and division in our nation. Despite past failures to change the park’s name, the momentum is building again. New Yorkers have seen Trump’s name vanish from skyscrapers, golf courses, and skating rinks.3 It’s time for it to disappear from our public parks, too!
Rename Trump State Park and welcome a fresh start, free from associations with a divisive, convicted, and disgraced former president.
Donald Trump donated the land in 2006, which is why it bears his name.4 However, throughout history, governments have renamed public spaces to reflect the values of the times and withdraw recognition from those who have done damage. Changing the park’s name is within the rights and power of the New York State Legislature and the governor—they just need to hear from concerned citizens, like you, who demand action. With 34 convictions just announced and three more criminal trials pending, it’s even more clear that naming one of our state parks after Trump is not just inappropriate—it’s shameful.
In light of Trump’s conviction and the renewed legislative efforts, we have a real chance to finally strip his name from this state park. This is our moment to act. By renaming Donald J. Trump State Park, we send a powerful message that we reject attacks against our democracy and stand for a future where every community member is treated with dignity and respect.
Sign the petition and share it with all your family, friends, and neighbors.
Thanks for all you do.
–Valeria, Aliya, Noor, Isbah, and the rest of the team
1. “Guilty: Trump becomes first former US president convicted of felony crimes,” AP News, May 31, 2024
2. “Trump’s Conviction Renews Push to Strip His Name From a New York Park,” The New York Times, May 31, 2024
3. “Here’s Every Trump Property That’s Dropped His Name,” Forbes, June 30, 2021
4. “Latest effort to rename Donald J. Trump State Park falls short,” Lohud, June 11, 2021
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MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, https://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. MoveOn Political Action – PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.