Will you sign the petition to let Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress know that Americans REJECT attacks in the midst of disaster relief and crisis?
Dear MoveOn member,
Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are again exploiting another climate disaster to spread disinformation and sow chaos for political points. As hundreds of thousands of Californians face evacuation warnings, packing their lives into go bags, Trump and his allies remain fixated on exploiting this tragedy for their own political advantage rather than supporting those affected.
The devastating wildfires raging across Southern California have already killed dozens of people and displaced tens of thousands from their homes. Residents are grieving as entire communities—childhood homes, schools, parks, and small businesses—are engulfed in flames.
But instead of coming together to demonstrate swift and bipartisan action to address the crisis and support families on the ground as they fight to survive and rebuild, Trump and his MAGA loyalists are spreading lies and attacking those who are actually working to address the crisis.
Trump is spreading lies about FEMA funding in an effort to blame President Biden and Democrats and deflect from his own lack of leadership. His claims that FEMA has no money are just plain wrong—thanks to President Biden, FEMA was given $29 billion in disaster relief funding as part of the stopgap bill that avoided a government shutdown.1
Trump also lashed out at Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom and made nonsensical and false statements about Governor Newsom’s withholding water supplies in the area, spreading misinformation and confusing local residents who are depending on accurate, lifesaving updates.2
And billionaire Elon Musk, who also spread disinformation on FEMA’s response after Hurricane Helene, took to social media to also lash out, reducing this historic catastrophe to being “easily avoidable.”3 In actuality, wildfires in California have worsened in recent years due to the climate crisis—with nearly 80 more “fire days” annually compared to just 50 years ago.4
These lies and unhelpful politicizations aren’t just inaccurate—they can prevent survivors from getting the help they urgently need. In moments like this, we need leaders to speak and act with integrity, helping clarify misconceptions, reduce political tensions, and ease the burden of everyday people. Instead, Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are adding to the chaos, confusion, and misinformation.
Tell Republicans: Stop attacking disaster relief!
This is not the first time Republicans have weaponized a natural disaster for their own political gain.
In the wake of devastating natural disasters like Hurricanes Helene and Milton last year, Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene disseminated harmful disinformation on FEMA’s response and relief efforts, discouraging people from getting the urgent help they needed. She even spread wild conspiracy theories, claiming that the government and Democrats controlled the weather.5
The attacks were not just false—they were dangerous. Disaster workers and even meteorologists who were targeted by these conspiracy theories faced death threats spurred by the disinformation.
Now we’re seeing history repeat itself, with reckless lies being spread about the wildfires by the leaders Americans are supposed to look to and trust in times of crisis. Enough is enough.
Thanks for all you do.
–Aliya, Alyssa, Jaira, Mia, and the rest of the team
1. “Fact check: As wildfires rage, Trump lashes out with false claims about FEMA and California water policy,” CNN, January 11, 2025
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. “California’s worsening wildfires explained,” CapRadio, January 8, 2025
5. “Marjorie Taylor Greene condemned over Helene weather conspiracy theory,” The Guardian, October 7, 2024
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