Join us for the February Rural Caucus Call!
Hello Raucous Rural Caucus,
Whether you love your state legislature or feel like they have left your community behind, the February Rural Caucus call will offer you ways to meaningfully engage in your state’s legislative session. Last month we listened to your needs and you asked to learn more about bill tracking, proposing legislation, messaging/writing calls to action and how you can strengthen your voice in the state capital. We will highlight Indivisible groups who have built systems for tracking legislation and hear from one of NC’s best Call To Action writers! Join us February 28th, 8PM ET as we discuss “How to Survive Your State Legislative Session!”
Register now! We look forward to seeing you next week!
Indivisible’s Rural Caucus (Natalie, Cameron, Molly, Scott and Rachelle)
Indivisible Project
PO Box 43884
Washington, DC 20010
United States