07. October 2022 · Comments Off on Indivisible – 10-07-2022 · Categories: Announcements


It’s been just over three months since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade. And day after day, the devastating results of the Dobbs decision continue to roll in. Most abortions are banned in 14 states, and in several more, advocates are fighting to stop bans or trigger laws on the books from taking effect.

The latest horrifying law to go into action is in Arizona, where just two weeks ago, a judge reinstated an archaic 1864 ban. This draconian law, passed before Arizona was even a state, bans virtually all abortions — with no exceptions for rape or incest. And not a single Republican member of the state House or Senate is willing to roll it back, even a fraction.

The human consequences of these bans are unfathomable. And every day, hundreds of lives are quietly being derailed by these bans. The freedom to make your own reproductive choices is the freedom to control the course of your life. To do what’s best for your health, your education and career, your financial security, your family. That fundamental right has been ripped away from millions.

This isn’t some unintended consequence of the MAGA drive to ban abortion. It’s the goal. The right-wing has spent generations rolling back abortion access precisely so that they can exert their control over all of us. 

But something else has been happening since Dobbs. From rallies to referendums to one-on-one conversations, a wave of opposition is building. The majority of people want abortion legal. We want freedom, not their agenda of cruelty and control. And we’re fighting back. 

We see it in Kansas, where voters overwhelmingly rejected abortion bans at the polls. We see it in special elections, where Democrats have been dramatically outperforming expectations since the Dobbs decision. We see it at the doors and on the phones, where Indivisible leaders tell us that every day, they’re reaching voters — including independents and Republicans! — who are disturbed by Dobbs and planning to vote.

In overturning Roe, the right-wing has overreached. Overreach invites reaction. And we are going to ensure that that reaction is felt in every corner of the country and every race on the ballot in November.

Are you with us? Good. Here’s what we do next:

This weekend, we’ll be joining our friends at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. and at more than 400 events around the country. Find your nearest event on the national map, and make a plan to be there.

Then, we’ll take our anger and we’ll use it to do what we do best — reaching voters. Join us this Tuesday, October 11 to call Arizona voters to talk about the state’s new abortion ban and get out the vote for Mark Kelly for Senate and our newest IndivisiCandidate Jevin Hodge for AZ-01. (If you’ve never joined one of our national phonebanks, this is a great time to plug in wherever you are and have meaningful conversations with key voters. We’ll provide a quick training before you start and have a script ready for you when you’re on the line, and you’ll be able to share stories and tips with fellow volunteers while you’re dialing.)

Our efforts will complement the on-the-ground efforts of a legion of Arizona grassroots activists, who are doing everything from canvassing to get out the vote guides to hosting “Bedroom Ballot” Parties (slogan: The Republicans are in your bedroom, why not everyone? Invite in the neighbors, friends and family to fill out their ballots together!). Follow our friends at Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, the statewide Indivisible group dedicated to state legislative work, for more.

And if you want to support a slate of Arizona state legislative candidates who could potentially help flip the Arizona state Senate from its current MAGA extremist majority, check out Crush the Coup’s slate of Arizona races here and chip in to help elect these incredible candidates

It’s within our power to ensure that the reaction to Dobbs not only continues but builds into a wave. To ensure that years from now, the MAGA right looks back on the end of Roe and sees not their greatest triumph, but a pyrrhic victory — the moment when everything began to unravel for their extremist project. 

But that will only happen if we do the work to make it so. So whatever you pick, sign up to do something. The fight is on.

In solidarity,

Leah Greenberg
Co-Executive Director, Indivisible

Indivisible Action is a Hybrid Political Action Committee fueled by the grassroots movement to win elections and build local, independent progressive power nationwide. Read more about the formation of our PAC here.

Grassroots donations, not foundations or large gifts, are our single largest source of funding. That means we’re accountable to, and fueled by, Indivisibles on the ground. Chip in $7 to keep fueling our movement. 

To give by mail, send a check to Indivisible Action, PO Box 43135, Washington, DC 20010.

Contributions to Indivisible Action are not tax-deductible.