27. October 2024 · Comments Off on Harris-Walz – October 27, 2024 · Categories: Elections

If everyone reading this donated $47 to Kamala Harris’s campaign today, we would be able to beat Donald Trump in nine days.

But not everyone gives.

The Vice President is relying on people who understand the importance of this election to rush a contribution before it’s too late >>

In these final nine days, your $47 will allow us to reach undecided voters before Trump does.

Your $47 will allow us to fight back against attack ads in key battleground states.

Your $47 could be the difference between winning and losing on Election Day.

Your $47 donation — joined by the $47 donation from your neighbor in your community — is powerful. It all adds up to create a grassroots movement strong enough to defeat Donald Trump and keep our country moving forward.

There’s only one way we’ll elect Kamala Harris as President of the United States, and that’s by working together. Can she count on you to make your first $47 donation to her campaign today?

Team Harris-Walz

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.