Please don’t scroll past this. This isn’t the first time we’ve emailed recently, so we’ll get straight to the point: We’re asking you to donate to the Democratic National Committee before Republicans start their convention next week and our FEC deadline ends shortly after.
To all Democrats,
If everyone reading this message donated $7, the DNC would have the resources we need to help reelect Joe Biden and Democrats up and down the ballot this fall.
Unfortunately, not everyone gives. So we need Democrats who understand the stakes of this moment — and this election — to chip in today.
The vast majority of our donations come in response to messages like this via email, text and mail. We’re passionate about that fundraising model because at its core, it means our work is driven by people like you.
If keeping Trump out of the White House and electing Democrats everywhere this fall is worth $7 to you, please take a minute to secure our success by making a donation. Thank you.
🙏We ask you, humbly: please don’t click away.
The Democratic Party