If you have been waiting for the right time to make a donation to the Democratic National Committee, we are writing to ask you to make it today.
Here’s where we are:
Yesterday afternoon, President Biden announced that he is stepping aside from his campaign for president.
Within HOURS, Donald Trump’s campaign launched a new round of attack ads.
This is on top of the fact that Trump and the RNC out-raised us in the second quarter and have likely raised extraordinary sums of money in July as well.
If every Democrat and everyone who wants to beat Trump and elect Democrats this fall gave $10 today, we’d have the resources we need to win big.
But not everyone gives, so Democrats running for office nationwide are hoping you will. Please:
Thank you,
The Democratic Party
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If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, territories, and D.C., make a contribution today.
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, www.Democrats.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.