It’s Katherine — Bob’s Finance Director, and I have to reach out with urgency.
I’m looking at our October fundraising numbers, and I’m stressed.
We need a huge surge of donations to come in this weekend, or we run the risk of not having the funds in our budget to pay for another week of TV ads. This could not come at a worse time.
Millionaire MAGA donors are gearing up to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in this race. They’ve already launched negative ads against Bob trying to mislead voters about his record.
Every dollar we raise keeps our TV ads on air to reach thousands of voters at once.
Kendall, seeing an increase in donations will help relieve my stress, but more importantly help Bob respond to these attacks — can I count on you to chip in any amount you’re able to spare to keep our TV ads up?
Thanks for being such an important part of this team,
Finance Director
Bob Ferguson for Governor

To give by check:
Bob Ferguson for Governor
PO Box 22169
Seattle, WA 98122
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