08. August 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – August 8, 2024 · Categories: Elections

This is a longer email from me on the next phase of the election. If you don’t have time to read it, consider becoming a Founding General Election Donor.

Thank you.

Thank you to everyone who donated, knocked on doors and voted.

Your help made our victory possible.

Now, we are focused on the critical fight ahead. Voting begins in just 73 days to determine Washington’s next governor.

We need a strong start to this final phase of our campaign. Please become a Founding General Election Donor today.

There’s too much at stake to let anti-choice Republican Dave Reichert become our next governor.

Washingtonians value the freedom to make their own health care decisions, to breathe clean air and drink clean water, to be free from discrimination, and to make a living wage in a safe work environment.

Reichert is out of touch with these values. He says “I love Donald Trump’s policies,” and brags about owning a signed MAGA hat. He is anti-choice and opposes marriage equality.

I’m ready to defeat Reichert and continue delivering for our economy, our environment, and working families across the state. But I can’t win without your support.

I’m the only candidate not accepting donations from large corporations and corporate PACs, meaning this movement is fueled entirely by grassroots donors like you. If you want to make sure we keep Washington moving forward not backward, please don’t sit on the sidelines.

If you can, pitch in $10 or any amount today to become a Founding General Election Donor. Every donation adds up and makes a difference.

Donate $10 ››

Thank you for your support. I’ll see you on the campaign trail.

— Bob Ferguson

To give by check:
Bob Ferguson for Governor
PO Box 22169
Seattle, WA 98122

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com