04. August 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – August 4, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Hey. it’s Peter the Cat.

We’re zooming toward the primary and need all paws on deck — this is an important election for my dad (and for me!).

If my dad advances from Tuesday’s primary, I am one step closer to being Washington’s First Cat. So I’m doing my part and asking you to donate to Bob Ferguson’s campaign now before the primary election on August 6.

Even a cat knows there is a lot at stake. Every Washingtonian deserves a governor who fights for a better future for all of us.

My dad isn’t just an amazing cat dad — he’s a problem solver, a proven fighter for Washingtonians, and unafraid to take on special interests. He is the only candidate who refuses all donations from large corporations and corporate PACs.

I’m not kitten around: your support has helped us get this far. Now, he needs to raise $100,000 before August 6. I know we can do it, Matt!

Can you help my Dad win this competitive race for Governor by chipping in whatever you can before the primary election? We need all paws on deck!

🐾 Peter the Cat

P.S. Follow me on Instagram to hear more about my perspective on the campaign! instagram.com/peter.for.first.cat

To give by check:
Bob Ferguson for Governor
PO Box 22169
Seattle, WA 98122

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com