23. August 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – August 23, 2024 · Categories: Elections

As Bob’s campaign manager, it is my job to oversee all the details of the campaign. My responsibilities include managing our team, creating a campaign plan, and mapping out the strategy. It also includes managing our budget.

Here’s what wasn’t in our campaign plan: making the tough decision to tell Bob that we don’t have the resources in our budget this month to put our TV ads on the air.

Unfortunately, we had to cut back our spending as a result of our fundraising progress. We’re not where we need to be, Matt. With 56 days until voters receive their ballots, we can’t afford to scale back. I’m reaching out right now to turn things around.

Will you help us get back on air by helping us reach $150,000 by the end of this week? We’re grateful for anything you are able to contribute today.

In gratitude,

Campaign Manager
Bob Ferguson for Governor

To give by check:
Bob Ferguson for Governor
PO Box 22169
Seattle, WA 98122

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com