Folks, last night Donald Trump wrapped up another speech, this time from the Republican convention. It was the same Trump that we know, just on a different night.
He said that he would bring unity. Meanwhile, he stoked the flames of hatred and division.
He said he would bring safety. But he also praised Hannibal Lecter and said he would “round up millions” of people into mass detention camps. (I’m not kidding.)
He said that he would fix things. Do you remember his administration? He only created more mess for the rest of us to clean up.
I don’t mean to be facetious, but bringing people together and getting things done just isn’t in Trump’s DNA. And we can’t afford four more years of it.
Trump’s speech was long. It was rambling. It was unfocused. But it was also really dangerous.
Trump laid out his plans in full form. He wants to ban abortion nationwide, cut Social Security, rip away health care protections, and — this is the God’s honest truth — jack up taxes on working families by an average of $2,500 a year by placing a 10 percent tariff on everything we import, from coffee beans to cars.
Folks, Americans want a president, not a dictator; to keep their freedoms, not give them up.
That’s why, when I’m reelected, I’m going to restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. I’ll defend the right to vote, make sure billionaires pay their fair share in taxes, lower the cost of housing, and get weapons of war off our streets.
But most importantly of all, and I give you my word as a Biden: I will always uphold our Constitution and defend our democracy.
I believe it to my core: There’s nothing beyond our capacity if we stand together.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Joe Biden
President of the United States

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