I am reaching out one last time to invite you to a special event supporting my wonderful friend Nick Brown, the Democratic nominee for Attorney General. I hope that you will join me for Nick at Night 2 TONIGHTt! If you’d like to join, you can register for the event online here. There will be an exciting lineup of speakers, including Attorney General Aaron Ford from Nevada, the co-Chair of DAGA and a rising star in the Democratic Party. Here’s all the details for the event:
Date: Tonight – Monday, October 21st
Time: 5:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Town Hall Seattle
Nick is an extraordinarily qualified candidate. He served in the Armi as a JAG Officer, worked as Governor Inslee’s General Counsel, and was appointed by President Biden to be the United States Attorney for Western Washington. Nick has the background, leadership experience, and vision that we need in our next Attorney General. I hope that you can support him and join me tonight.
His opponent has made his career suing the state attempting to overturn our gun safety laws and has said he won’t defend Washington laws that he disagrees with.
This is an incredibly important position and it’s crucial we do whatever we can to make sure that Nick wins in November. Please join me and support him for this exciting event. If you want to learn more about Nick, please visit his website here.

With gratitude,
Renée Hopkins
Alliance for Gun Responsibility
P.O. Box 4187 Seattle, WA 98194