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ACLU Supporter, Super Tuesday is tomorrow – the 2024 election year is underway.

As we look toward November, one of our top priorities must be ensuring that every single eligible voter has the resources they need to cast a meaningful ballot at the polls.

And as millions go to the polls tomorrow to cast their vote in their state primary, we’re sharing three updates at the top of the week:

  • The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act was reintroduced just last week. This legislation is our best chance to safeguard voters against racist voter suppression efforts and restore the Voting Rights Act to its full power. Read more about what’s at stake here.
  • While we advocate fiercely for voters on Capitol Hill, our lawyers also are fighting for voting rights in courtrooms nationwide – including two cases that went to trial this week in Mississippi and Kansas. In Mississippi, we’re challenging discriminatory state legislative district maps that dilute Black voters’ political power in MS. Similarly, in Dodge City, Kansas, we’re pushing back against the at-large voting system that deprives Latine voters of a meaningful chance to elect their preferred candidate to the city commission.
  • And federal elections like Tuesday’s primary will set the stage for ALL of our rights – including our current fight for reproductive freedom. Take Alabama’s latest devastating new ruling attacking IVF, for example,which you can learn more about here. The Alabama Supreme Court issued a decision that forced IVF providers across the state to halt services, leaving the families depending on these services in limbo.

This is another extreme step in the movement to restrict our access to reproductive health care – including access to birth control, abortion and miscarriage care, IVF, and more. We must elect federal lawmakers who reflect our values and are committed to protecting our reproductive freedom.

ACLU Supporter, for a truly fair, representative democratic process, it’s going to take major structural change – from federal protections for mail-in voting to guardrails against extreme racial gerrymandering, and everything in between. As we continue this critical work, we’re so grateful to supporters like you who enable us to keep fighting.

Thanks for all you do,

The ACLU Team

American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA