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ACLU Supporter –

The Supreme Court recently declared that criminal law doesn’t apply when you’re Donald Trump – or any other president using the powers of the office. Presidents who use their official powers to commit crimes are now presumptively immune from criminal accountability – even after they leave office.

The ruling goes against everything our country’s constitution has ever represented. Without immediate action from Congress to overrule this ruling, we cannot truly claim to be in a democracy in which all are equal before the law: Contact your reps now and demand a constitutional amendment.

Justice Sotomayor warned us about this ruling: “In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.”

Let’s be clear on how ruinous this decision is – and how important it is for us to shut it down fast. The ruling means a president could use the Armed Forces against political opponents. And as long as their actions are “official,” they’ll be immune from criminal prosecution for the rest of their lives. That’s not a democracy, ACLU Supporter. That’s tyranny.

For Congress to refuse to do anything to stop this, is a failure to do its job. We – the people – cannot and will not allow that to happen.

Tell your reps and senators that this is the moment to act: Urge them to pass a constitutional amendment reestablishing criminal accountability for the president now.

For our democracy,

The ACLU Team

American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA