19. March 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – March 19, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

There’s no denying it— the Supreme Court is compromised and illegitimate. On March 26, we are protesting SCOTUS in defense of medication abortion. No matter the outcome, we want to be clear. Feminists will not abide unjust laws, and we will make sure that anyone who needs Mifepristone will be able to get it, no matter the decision from SCOTUS.

He did this because he is, in fact, an anti-abortion advocate. That’s why he has his job. That’s why the judges on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals have theirs. It’s why much of the Supreme Court has theirs. 

Photo by Shannon Richardson

Lindsay is a registered nurse in a state with a total abortion ban. Courtney is a reproductive rights activist from Amarillo, TX. Together, we co-founded Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance. We know the devastating impact these legal decisions will have on our communities. This is not what the people want. Our courts are not working in service of democracy, they are working to advance an agenda that cannot win at the ballot box. We won’t let them win. 

We were both there on day one of the protest against this sham lawsuit, and a week from today, we’ll be representing Amarillo in Washington D.C., as oral arguments move forward. And, like all of you, we’ll be in the streets until true reproductive freedom is accessible for everyone. Are you with us? 

Would you consider giving $5 (or whatever you can) to help activists like us get to Washington, DC?

In struggle and community,

Lindsay London & Courtney Brown,

Co-Founders, Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance