28. February 2024 · Comments Off on Rebecca Saldana for Public Lands Commissioner, February 28, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friends –

Latino Victory Fund has endorsed our campaign! I’m so excited to share this news. I would be the first Latina elected to a statewide position as your Commissioner of Public Lands — and it means a great deal to me to have my community’s support and the endorsement of Latino Victory Fund.

I must bring my community with me and uplift the needs of all across the diaspora. Almost every bill I have prime sponsored is the result of centering voices and experiences of community members living on the margins. By building cross-sectoral multiracial coalitions we have been very successful in advancing progressive legislation and budget priorities. We as Latinos are so deeply connected to our lands; we work in tree planting, taking care of kids, gathering food, and much more to do with the Earth.

Higher temperatures and contamination impact us all. We need to bring in our elders, our workers, and our youth so that together we can create a sustainable future. We need to change how people make decisions; right now there are only a few players: big timber, corporate companies, and a few traditional environmental groups. Every day people who work on our lands should have a seat at the table. We need to change who is working with us to make those decisions and create the solutions, and I will change the way we do policy and implement programs at the state level.

My commitment to workers’ rights, living-wage jobs, and coalition building is essential for this office, just as my approach to environmentalism is. No, I’m not a traditional choice for this position but where has going the easy or comfortable route gotten us? We need bold decision-makers. We need people willing to stand up to corporations and the powers that be to truly protect everyday workers and people. This place — our home — is an incredibly beautiful place with so much to offer its current and future residents. And I have the expertise, experience, and record to lead.

If you share our vision, can you forward this news to five friends? We are gaining momentum, and now we need you to help to sustain it!


Team Rebecca Saldaña (D)

PO Box 20776
Seattle, WA 98102
United States