28. December 2023 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor, December 28, 2023 · Categories: Elections

We just secured another big win for Washington families.

Thanks to our successful lawsuits against chicken and tuna companies who cheated Washingtonians with their corporate price-fixing schemes, hundreds of thousands of Washington families will now receive restitution checks in the mail.

Our investigation uncovered evidence that chicken and tuna producers throughout the industry engaged in a coordinated effort to keep production low and prices high — in direct violation of Washington’s antitrust laws.

This scheme cost Washingtonians millions, and I’m proud to say that we’ve recovered more than $40 million thanks to our lawsuits against the companies involved. These restitution payments to families who were least able to afford the increase in the price of groceries.

We’re not done – we still have an upcoming trial with 3 large chicken producers who benefitted from the scheme.

I’m proud of the work we’ve done to combat price gouging and make our state more affordable, and I’ll always keep fighting to protect Washingtonians from corporate greed — as Attorney General and as Governor.

If you’d like to help me keep doing this important work, consider signing up to volunteer for my campaign today. I’m going to need your help to defeat my anti-choice Republican opponent, Dave Reichert, next November.

Thank you,

Bob Ferguson

P.S. For the next three months, Bob is subject to the legislative session freeze, which means that we legally cannot accept donations until March.

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122