30. January 2023 · Comments Off on 4th CD January 30, 2023 · Categories: Announcements, Committee News

Rural Americans United

Apologies upfront for this being English only. Post election we are looking for Spanish language support and it is a big ask to have someone translate this much text. If you know of anyone that will help please let us know. Thank you.

This last weekend we saw new leadership step up to take the Washington Democrats forward. The path forward will not be easy, but what Tina was able to build gives us the confidence that we can do anything and the strong foundation to launch from. Thank you Tina and good luck to the newly elected team.

Update from the Washington Democrats Central Committee Meeting

Firstly I want to congratulate Patsy Whitefoot as the newly elected Representative of Congressional District 4. Patsy brings knowledge, relationships, expertise and passion to this role. We are grateful to have you, there is no one better for this role. Thank you.

Secondly I want to thank all the State Committee Members and other attendees from Central and Eastern Washington that voiced their concerns that our specific needs require attention and for the response from the newly elected leadership that we are heard.

During open mike I gave a short speech that went something like this:

As Tina mentioned earlier we may have the same goals but that does not mean we take the same path to reach them. This is true of us in Central and Eastern Washington. When I think of climate change I think of the 10, 20, 30, 40% crop loss our famers suffer and the financial impact it has on thousands of families. When I think of access to healthcare I think of the long drives to reach a doctor. And if there will be a doctor because our lower medicare reimbursement and other factors make the better paying jobs in cities like Seattle and Spokane attractive. But my biggest anguish is what Alison Dablere shared earlier; LGBTQ+ kids in the Tri Cities are under attack. I walk as a proud gay 61 year old man. My childhood was difficult. I was raised in a loving family, but outside was bad. It disturbs me greatly that 60 years on the LGBTQ+ youth have it harder than me. They have adults fighting everyday to remove the legitimacy of their existence. This can not be. As Democrats we always listen with compassion but I need you to now take action. We need your help now, please.

Thank you

Yakima Democrats are having a Social Hour for Social Change February 6th from 6-7pm at their 3rd street office.

Ag and Rural Caucus Zoom Better Practices Series 06:30 pm Thursday 02 February 2023 with Teresa Purcell on Rural Messaging

Mobilize Lunchtime Meeting w/ Sen.Murray’s & Sen. Cantwell’s Staff in Seattle and Virtual with several dates to choose from https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/377852/

Just in! I have received an update from Allison Dabler that the Tri Cities Pride event may not take place. Please visit their Facebook page to learn more and find out what help you can provide. https://www.facebook.com/TriCitiesPrideFestival/ At this time LGBTQ+ kids are under attack in Richland schools and others around the nation, this is NOT the time to be quiet. We must all step up and do our part. I trust Tri Cities Pride to make the correct decisions for their community and we will be there to provide complete support regardless.